

Readers acclaim these books for their gripping narrative and impactful themes—absolute must-read.

“Dr. Malangwasira has developed an insightful and practical guide for strengthening our abilities to lead effectively in diverse environments. Building from his own experiences and integrating useful tools from the vast leadership literature, this book provides needed background, essential considerations, and useful suggestions. Leading in a Diverse Environment is a necessary addition to any leader’s set of tools for functioning effectively in today’s workplaces.”

— Dail Fields, PhD

Professor of Organizational Leadership (Ret.), Regent University School of Business and Leadership

“Why and how should people of diverse backgrounds embrace inclusivity? This is the hot issue Dr. Malangwasira takes head on in Leading in a Diverse Environment. It is an eyeopener for someone aspiring to team leadership. He uses real-life, personal, family, and workplace experiences to demonstrate how diversity can be leveraged to build strong teams. A plus for this book is, as Dr. Malangwasira puts it, everything he has shared in the book is accurate as he experienced, heard, or saw firsthand. This is a gem of a resource for leadership.”

— Donald Reuben Kamdonyo, PhD

Author of Poverty by Choice

“A lot of books have been written about diversity and inclusion, but Dr. Teddie Malangwasira brings about a reality check, self-reflection, and a paradigm shift through his book. This is a wakeup call, with the skills necessary for all leaders to embrace.”

— Lucky McCullough

Author of Willing Sols: How to Brave Uncertainty and Find Peace

“Leading in a Diverse Environment takes you to a different world of thought and reflection. By using personal experiences, Dr. Malangwasira shows you how the journey of self-discovery will greatly improve interactions with people who are different from yourself and bring success to your leadership. The narrative is simple and straightforward—a must read for anyone yearning for success in leading diverse teams!”

— Nancy Nkirote Muriuki, PhD

Nairobi, Kenya

“Dr. Malangwasira does a great job in Leading in a Diverse Environment of outlining both theoretical (why) and practical (how) aspects of leading and developing a modern, diverse workforce. From the importance of self-awareness as the foundation to utilizing the tools and training options available internally or externally to pour into your people, Dr. Malangwasira really outlines step-by-step how to improve your organization. In addition, I particularly appreciate the personal reflection questions at the ends of the chapters to help with the practical implementation of the process—it’s almost like having Dr. Malangwasira as your personal coach. I highly recommend this book and that you see where you can engage Dr. Malangwasira within your organization.”

— David A. Miles, PhD

Professional Speaker, Trainer, Executive Coach, Founder/Principal, Dr. Dave Leadership Corp.

“Dr. Teddie Malangwasira discusses important topics on leading in a diverse environment through his book. These topics are necessary not just at work, but for everyday life. The chapters are concise, to the point, and easy to understand. The self-reflection at the end of each chapter is an added bonus that makes this book one of a kind. Great work, Dr. Malangwasira!”

— Monika Zupek

Wisconsin, USA

“Dr. Malangwasira has constructed a wonderfully written compendium, which addresses some of the paramount considerations associated with being a human being and relating to other human beings. Relating with other people is premised upon self-examination, which this book guides the reader through in a compassionate and efficacious manner. Each chapter is valuable and well-constructed—this treatise certainly has the potential to change the lives of readers as well as those who interact with them. Kindness is not a weakness, and people who are different from us provide a bevy of opportunities for learning and growth. Carpe Diem!”

— Paul B. Carr, PhD

Professor of Education, Director of Education Psychology Doctoral Programs, Regent University School of Education

“Dr. Malangwasira has accomplished something special with this book. His willingness to illustrate key principles through stories from his personal life with refreshing transparency moves the discussion beyond the typical “how to” of inclusion and diversity conversations and into a much more humanizing realm of appreciation for each individual, while still integrating well-researched principles for practical implementation among both organizations and individuals.”

— MaryJo Burchard, PhD

Organizational Consultant

“Dr. Malangwasira masterfully communicates the importance of understanding diversity in the workforce and its effect on being a successful leader. Comprehending the impact that having a diverse organization has on a company’s overall success is critical to continued growth and increase. Without a doubt, this book should be required reading for all leaders wanting to make a positive impact on their employees, teams, and organization as a whole.”

— Stephen Kalaluhi, PhD

K2 Development Systems

“Dr. Teddie Malangwasira hits a home-run with his phenomenal book Leading in a Diverse Environment: Steps to Effective Growth, Inclusion, and Development. His use of real-life and personal illustrations will stimulate the reader’s interest. This book dives into the world of diversity and is a must-have for your leadership reading collection. I heartily recommend it!”

— Oral Beason, PhD

Florida, USA

“We are all different, and in those differences lie our strengths. Imagine a world where we were all the same. How boring! In Leading in a Diverse Environment, Dr. Malangwasira explores how we can use our differences to everyone’s benefit, making sure everyone is included. He looks at leadership and how it encompasses inclusiveness so those being led are on your organization’s bandwagon and all playing in harmony, even as they each play their own special tune.”

— Tyler R. Tichelaar, PhD

Award-Winning Author of The Gothic Wanderer and When Teddy Came to Town

“In 1963, President John F. Kennedy said, ‘If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can make the world safe for diversity.’ Dr. Teddie Malangwasira has taken those words to heart in his new book Leading in a Diverse Environment. In these pages, he shows us how leaders and everyone involved in an organization can learn to accept and value everyone else’s differences and turn them into the organization’s strengths. After all, the human race’s destiny depends on our ability to work together.”

— Patrick Snow

Publishing Coach and International Best-Selling Author of Creating Your Own Destiny and The Affluent Entrepreneur

“Dr. Teddie Malangwasira’s new book Leading in a Diverse Environment shows that when organizations value diversity, they can win over everyone in the organization to feel involved in its mission. Dr. Malangwasira promotes inclusivity in these pages, along with common sense and the occasional hard truth, to show how to implement the acceptance and celebration of diversity in all areas of the workplace and beyond.”

— Nicole Gabriel

Author of Finding Your Inner Truth and Stepping into Your Becoming

“A lot of books have been written about leadership, but this book stands out because it largely focuses on the role of followers and makes it clear there can be no leaders if there are no followers. Dr. Malangwasira also spends a lot of time clarifying what leadership is not, including false concepts of who is a leader, and he celebrates how leadership is available to people regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or social status. Detailed research and excellent examples make ​Leadership Is Not About Race a standout book in its field.”

— Tyler R. Tichelaar, Ph.D.

Award-winning Author of ​Narrow Lives and ​The Best Place

​“As a native of one of the least developed countries in Africa, Teddie E. Malangwasira was steadfast in his desire to further his education and move to the United States. Now with his Ph.D. in hand, Dr. Malangwasira exemplifies the qualities of a true leader in his willingness to share his knowledge and expertise in a friendly and approachable style.”​​​​​​

— Sandra M. Piefer-Tomczak, D.D.S.,

Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, United States

“Teddie has written a very generous book about the intersection of race and effective leadership. Blending research with his personal story and religious faith, Teddie reminds us that we each have our own gifts, and we are made in the image of our creator who intended all of us to think critically, behave justly, and to act in the best interests of all as a human short: to lead.”

— Cory Bouck

Author of ​The Lens of Leadership: Being the Leader Others WANT to Follow

“If you want to become a stronger leader of all races, then immediately add this book to your library and read it often. This one-of-a-kind leadership book is a great resource that will take you to your next level of influence and beyond!”

— Patrick Snow

Publishing Coach and International Best-Selling Author of ​Creating Your Own Destiny

“Dr. Teddie Malangwasira has done his research with this book. Drawing upon academic sources as well as political, business, and personal examples, ​Leadership Is Not About Race provides an analysis of what makes a leader. If you want to learn what it takes to be a leader, you’ll find all the elements in these pages.”

— Larry Alexander, M.A.

Co-Owner of Superior Book Productions

“Working with Dr. Teddie E. Malangwasira made me understand that the best way to be a leader is by enhancing someone’s skills until he/she is enabled to overcome his/hers limits and to reach the goal. Dr. Teddie E. Malangwasira is a strong-willed person who, through his book, will be able to guide you into using your best part to positively influence others.”

— Vanessa Giubellini

Bibbiano, Reggio Emilia, Italy

Hi Teddie, I have just finished your lovely book Leadership Is Not About Race. It’s a wonderful book. Your use of both Malawian and American examples enhances the credibility of the book. Use of real life examples like those of Mandela and Gandhi make the reader get interested in the way you are developing the theme. ​The checklists for being an effective leader and follower are very useful and in fact sum up everything you have written in the 240 pages of the book. These are the core attributes aspiring leaders and followers need to have. On leadership expectations from society you put a very interesting issue of “Protect your leader” (Page 139). The Malawian way of protecting a leader is ring fencing him from the outside world. He or she only listens to the views of those within the ring and the leader becomes hard of hearing. The personal application sections at the end of each chapter are very useful for readers to reflect on what they have read. Bravo Teddie for this wonderful book!

—​ Donald Reuben Kamdonyo, PhD, ACB, CL

Author: Poverty By Choice